We asked WUB for cooperation and broad support for this initiative, and we received the warm support of WUB members.
WUB Network President Brazil Kenji Oshiro
On behalf of all members of WUB Network, I would like to thank you for the crowdfunding
project which you are voluntary working with Okinawa Prefectural Government.
As you may know that Governor Denny Tamaki is our Honorary President. It is our honor
and privilege to support Governor and Okinawa, particularly Shuri Castle restoration at this
As you will launch the 2nd Period of Global Donation-Based Crowdfunding for the Restoration
and Reconstruction of Shuri Castle, WUB Network is honor to be supporting organization
for this project again and will take advantage of our worldwide network, we will try to let
more Uchinanchu overseas to know about this Crowdfunding.
The Worldwide Uchinanchu Business Network, or WUB, is an organization consisting of Uchinanchu and Uchinanchu-at-heart who understands and supports WUB activities from around the world. WUB was established with the core aim of helping Uchinanchu building international business networks and promoting mutual business development for its members and deepen understandings Uchinanchu around the globe. There are 23 Chapters in 16 Countries and regions, with approximately 500 members.
沖繩縣知事 玉城丹尼
2019年10月31日,象徵著沖繩歷史及文化的首里城,非常遺憾地因遭受大火侵襲而燒毀殆盡。 本次首里城大火發生後,我們陸續收到許多來自國內外的慰問及表明願提供支援復舊、復興首里城的訊息,在此謹代表沖繩縣民致上衷心的感謝之意。 由於接收相當多來自各方的溫暖鼓勵及支援之意,因此本次我們在一般財團法人沖繩IT創新戰略中心的協助下,決議將以復舊、復興首里城為目標,來推行國外人士均可簡便地提供協助並參與其中的國外群眾募資。 沖繩縣將全力投入修復及復舊、復興首里城的工程,期能早日重現首里城的昔日風華,為此,我在此衷心請託,盼能有更多的朋友惠予我們協助與支援。2019年11月15日
WUB and ISCO have teamed up.
We asked WUB for cooperation and broad support for this initiative, and we received the warm support of WUB members.WUB Network President Brazil Kenji Oshiro
On behalf of all members of WUB Network, I would like to thank you for the crowdfunding project which you are voluntary working with Okinawa Prefectural Government. As you may know that Governor Denny Tamaki is our Honorary President. It is our honor and privilege to support Governor and Okinawa, particularly Shuri Castle restoration at this time. As you will launch the 2nd Period of Global Donation-Based Crowdfunding for the Restoration and Reconstruction of Shuri Castle, WUB Network is honor to be supporting organization for this project again and will take advantage of our worldwide network, we will try to let more Uchinanchu overseas to know about this Crowdfunding.June 26, 2020
The Worldwide Uchinanchu Business Network
The Worldwide Uchinanchu Business Network, or WUB, is an organization consisting of Uchinanchu and Uchinanchu-at-heart who understands and supports WUB activities from around the world. WUB was established with the core aim of helping Uchinanchu building international business networks and promoting mutual business development for its members and deepen understandings Uchinanchu around the globe. There are 23 Chapters in 16 Countries and regions, with approximately 500 members.
一般財團法人沖繩IT創新戰略中心 理事長 稲垣 純一
這次,與上次第一期一樣,將作為全球眾籌進行“首里城重建和重建支持資金”的第二階段募集。 去年10月31日被燒毀的沖繩縣那霸市首里城是琉球/沖繩歷史和文化的象徵。我不能忘記,來自全國各地和世界各地的許多人向我們發送了令人震驚的消息。 從那時起,許多個人和團體一直積極參與恢復和重建活動,即使到現在,即使我們是沖繩IT創新戰略中心的整體註冊基金會,該組織的初衷是“ IT通過利用 我們將在今年的第二次招聘中繼續尋求所有有關方面的支持,因為我們希望首里城會盡快回來談論永恆的歷史。2020年6月26日