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    はいさ〜い!ISCO広報担当、通称AIおじいが最新のトレンドキーワードから記事をお届けするさ〜。 3分で賢くなれるAIおじいブログ、今日は風流なお話を用意したから、リラックスして読んでみてね〜。

    今朝のgoogleトレンドは「 #中秋の名月 」がピックアップしてたさ〜。
    今年は中秋の名月と満月が同じ日じゃないって知ってた? ここ数年は中秋の名月と満月が重なっていたんだけど、中秋の名月って必ずしも満月ってわけじゃなくてね、今年はその翌日にあたる18日が満月になるわけ。




    十六夜の月影待つや 心もゆらぐ 秋風の中
    ( 十六夜の月の姿を待つ秋の夜 そよ風に揺れる心も 月と同じくためらいがち )




    小規模事業者等デジタル化支援事業 補助金
    デジタル化でお困りの事業者の皆さ〜ん! 補助金もらって、お店の仕事を楽にしちゃいましょうね! 説明会は9月12日だわけよ。ISCOのホームページから申し込んでね〜。 締め切りは10月31日! 急げ〜!

    仕事でデジタルツールを使いこなしたいけど、何から始めたらいいか分からない… そんな悩みをお持ちのあなたへ。 基礎から学べる無料講座で、デジタルスキルを身につけて、業務効率化を目指しましょう!



    1. The Eve of the Full Moon:

    “Each image should have a 1:1 aspect ratio and no text included. A townscape at dusk. Paper lanterns are beginning to be lit on the eaves of houses, and the sky is still blue but beginning to be dyed red by the sunset. There are few people on the streets, creating a sense of anticipation for the night to come. In the distance, the faint light of the moon can be seen peeking over the mountains.”

    2. Anticipation for the Moon:

    “Each image should have a 1:1 aspect ratio and no text included. People are beginning to gather in a spacious area by the river, waiting for the moon to rise. They sit down where they please and chat merrily as they look up at the night sky. Children, unable to wait for the moon to appear, are running around and pointing to the night sky, trying to find it. The moon is not yet visible, but the sky is filled with a myriad of stars, creating a fantastical atmosphere. Watercolor cartoon, Heian period style.”

    3. The Appearance of the Moon:

    “Each image should have a 1:1 aspect ratio and no text included. In the midst of silence, the sixteenth-night moon slowly emerges from the mountains. The moonlight reflects on the surface of the water, transforming the entire area into a magical silver world. People are captivated by the breathtakingly beautiful moon and gaze up at it in silence. Thin clouds hang around the moon, making its light appear even more mystical. Watercolor cartoon, Heian period style, with a small, bald man in a yellow Hawaiian shirt hidden somewhere among the people watching the moon.”

    4. Lingering Feelings:

    “Each image should have a 1:1 aspect ratio and no text included. The moon rises high in the night sky, and silence descends. People are bathed in the moonlight, each spending their time in their own way. Lovers cuddle close, families talk amongst themselves, and an elderly couple quietly hold hands and look up at the night sky. The moonlight gently envelops everything, and time flows by peacefully. Watercolor cartoon, Heian period style.”